Thursday, May 30, 2019

Comparison of Into Battle and Spring Offensive. Essay -- English Liter

Comparison of Into Battle and Spring despicable. Spring Offensive and Into BattleIn the comparison of Into Battle and Spring Offensive, it can be statethat they are two opposing poetrys. Although both of their themes areabout war, Spring Offensive is a bleak poem compared to Into Battle.One dialogue about the adversarial ship canal of the war whereas the othertalks about the beautifulness of its.Both poets use nature as a main object in order to describe war. Inthe poem of Into Battle the poet uses nature as warmth, somethingcolorful and lively e.g. The naked earth is warm with spring but onthe contrary to this, the poet in the Spring Offensive talks about thedark, cold, and sad sight of it e.g. Halted against the shade of alast hill.In addition to this, the structures of the poems reflect the poetsmoods. Spring Offensives broken rhythm resembles mourning of a soldierand Into Battles half rhymes make the poem sound deal a song. IntoBattle seems to encourage people using both pa triotism and propagandaof bit together. Whereas, Spring Offensive is trying to protectthe soldiers from war and make them realize how nonsense it is.The people (that seem to be) living in these poems have exactly oppositeness thoughts and mood. The soldiers that Spring Offensive talksabout are worried, despondent and blank, while the ones in Into Battleare singing, as if they are going to a picnic, behaving like theenemies are the ants which are trying to steal their food. Both ofthem include death, but in Into Battle, death is emphasized as if itis an honor to die. The poet in the Into Battle talks about life in apleasant manner. He sees life something colorful and worthwhile tolive. On the contrary, ... is) in every stanza. Both of them set the background beforegetting into the main theme. For example, in the first lines WilfredOwen explained the location of war before actually setting the maintheme, while Julian Grenfell by using the environment explained theoptimistic si de of war.I prefer Spring Offensive as it is more attractive than Into Battlebecause, it talks about the reality earlier than the thoughts of aninsane man who loves killing people. In addition, Spring Offensive ismore convincing than Into Battle in a sense that it encourages peoplenot to go and fight in war, with a strong emphasis by the use oflanguage e.g. and instantly the whole sky burned.Both of the poems are slap-up examples of war poems. However, personallyI enjoyed reading and analyzing Spring Offensive as it talks about thereality of being a soldier and life at war.

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