Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Environmental Pollution Essay

1. Effects on Climate Land pollution can affect the general environment of the Earth. Land pollutions leads to loss in the forest cover of Earth. This is in turn going to affect the amount of rain. Less rains mean lesser vegetation. The effect of all different kinds of pollution will eventually lead to problems like acid rains, greenhouse effect, global warming. All of these problems have already initiated and need to be curbed before the situation runs out of control. 2. Extinction of Species One of the major causes of concern is the extinction of species. Species are pushed towards endangerment and extinction primarily by two processes. Habitat fragmentation is the fragmentation of the natural habitat of an organism; cause primarily by urban sprawl. Habitat destruction, on the other hand, is when land clearing adversely affects animals special such that their natural habitat is lost. Both the actions can cause some species to go extinct and others to become invasive. 3. Biomagnification Biomagnification is the process in which certain non-biodegradable substances go on accumulating in the food-chain (in one or more species). The most common example is of methylmercury in fish and mercury in eagles. Not only does biomagnification put the particular species at risk, it puts all the species above and below it at risk, and ultimately affects the food pyramid. 4. Effects on Biodiversity Species extinction and biomagnification is going to overthrow the balance of nature very significantly. The main reason for this is disturbance created in the food chain. To give you a very simple example – on account of biomagnification of mercury in eagles, they might go extinct in the subsequent years. However, we know eagles prey on snakes. Less (or no) eagles will then result in more number of snakes! As you may have realized, land pollution is indeed going to affect a lot more things than we though it will. Hence, I leave you with some corrective measure you can take on a personal level to reduce land pollution. Encourage organic farming – buy organic food. Proper garbage disposal – separate your garbage before you give it to the garbage collector; and strictly say NO to plastic. Encourage recycling – buy recycled products, notebooks, paper, etc. Restrict use of herbicides and pesticides – they are not only used in farm, but in your own backyard as well. If we reduce our contribution to garbage and litter, therein itself we will be able to significantly reduce land pollution and probably curb it entirely in the near future. Also do realize this isn’t only about land pollution; it is about all kinds of pollution. We need to take steps to prevent damaging our Earth. We have no other place to go. Read more at Buzzle:

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Overcoming Fear Essay

Fear can be a very crippling emotion. When I was little, my biggest fear was falling off of a bicycle. I was always afraid of bicycles because I watched my best friend fall off of one and break her arm. As I got older, however, I realized that learning how to ride a bike could be very beneficial, as well as a lot of fun. Something I did not know at the time, however, was that learning how to ride would end up being beneficial to me in other ways as well. One day, when I was about eight years old, I asked my grandfather if he would teach me how to ride the bicycle he had bought for me two years earlier. He looked at me and said, â€Å"Are you finally ready, honey?† After telling him yes, my grandfather said that he would take me out that Saturday and give me my first riding lesson. As Saturday approached, I grew more and more apprehensive. Part of me was really looking forward to learning how to ride, while the other part of me was scared to death of falling off and getting hurt. My grandfather seemed to sense my fear, and when Saturday arrived, he took me to the local bicycle shop. We went straight to the section of the store that had all kinds of knee and elbow pads, as well as other protective equipment for riding bicycles, skating, and other activities. He told me to pick out the knee and elbow pads I liked best and said that they would help prevent me from getting hurt if I fell off of my bike. When we got back home, he helped me put on my pads and then went and got my bicycle out of the garage. He showed me how to get on the bike, and then proceeded to walk beside me, holding onto the bike as I pedaled down the sidewalk. Once we turned the corner at the end of the block, my grandfather let go for the first time. He stayed right beside me, ready to catch me if I started to tilt sideways. I was only able to go a few feet before my grandfather had to catch me. He continued to encourage me to keep trying, and, after falling off several times, I was finally able to ride my bicycle up and down the sidewalk in front of my house without any help from my grandfather whatsoever. I learned that riding a bicycle was a lot easier than I could have ever dreamed. By buying me the knee and elbow pads and telling me that they would help protect me, my grandfather helped to diminish my fear of riding a bicycle. Now when I am faced with a situation that scares me, I think back to that day my grandfather taught me how to ride. I may still feel fear from time to time, but I know that I can overcome it by asking myself, â€Å"What will help me to conquer my fear?†Bibliography not needed – This is a true depiction of an actual event in my childhood.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Monetary Policy in China Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Monetary Policy in China - Essay Example The China's central bank, People's Bank of China reflects the decision-making body's concern and aim for the change in policy. The article's primary economic element is the lowering of the interest rate in the economy. This lowering of the benchmark interest rate has an effect on the country's monetary policy and money supply. According to Bradsher in the article, "effective Tuesday, the People's Bank of China lowered by 0.27 percent, to 7.2 percent, the regulated benchmark rate that commercial banks may charge for one-year loans to business borrowers with strong credit histories. Rates for shorter-term loans will be generally cut even more while rates for longer-term loans will be subject to smaller adjustments, the central bank said, without providing details (September 2008)." By lowering the interest rate, the central bank aims to signal to commercial banks to lower the lending rate. By lowering the lending rate, the country aims to make funds more accessible to business borrowers. In figure 1.1, China's benchmark rate is lowered. The interest rate aims to lower the money supply in the country. By lowering the money supply coupled with less stringent limits on lending, China's Politburo aims to "protect the country from the global economic downturn." By loweri... owering the money supply coupled with less stringent limits on lending, China's Politburo aims to "protect the country from the global economic downturn." By lowering the interest rate, China aims to signal commercial banks to lower down their lending rate which makes the cost of accessing financing lower. As is shown in figure 1.2 and 1.3, lowering the interest rates lower the costs to financing, which increases the investments in an economy. This increase in investments due to lower costs of financing that is brought by this change in monetary policy does not increase proportionately in the economy. Figure 1.4 shows the effect of the increase in investment in the economy. Because of the multiplier model, the increase in the investment is affected by a given multiplier in an economy; thus the economy rises so much more for every increase in the investment due to the lowering of interest rates as part of the monetary policy. Figure 1.5 shows the effect of the monetary policy on the aggregate demand of the economy. Due to the increase in investments, the aggregate demand curve shifts to the right which increases the gross domestic output in the economy. Conclusion The monetary policy that has been announced by China's Politburo and People's Bank of China includes lowering down the interest rates. By lowering the interest rates, the central bank signaled the commercial banks to lower down the interest rates that are charged to business borrowers. This change in monetary policy aims to lower down the cost of borrowing money which will provide more funds accessible; more available funds are aimed to be channeled down to business owners as less stringent limits on lending are enforced as part of the policy. By lowering the interest rates, the government aims to

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Colonialism & Empire Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Colonialism & Empire - Essay Example As the study declares to begin the debate, one first needs to examine what imperialism fundamentally means, both in terms of the American Empire and in general. Generally examined, Imperialism basically refers to the practice of a nation controlling, or seeking to control, another nation, either through military means or otherwise, and whether in terms of geographical influence or political policies. Imperialist expansion in its traditional form and sense aimed mainly to seek a political, geographical or military advantage to benefit the expanding state, or it was viewed as such, but in recent times, these definitions seem to be changing, with the focus more on the benefit towards the influence country, rather than the inverse. Countries that aim to excise this influence may be referred to as an empire as they henceforth shall be. In the modern day world, America and Russia can be considered to be empires, considering their political influence over regions and countries past their bo rders. While the days of kings and queens is generally over, and we don’t seem to have empires as we traditionally imagine when we hear the word, when viewed from a technical standpoint, and in terms of today’s changing world, an empire is basically a geographically extensive dominion controlled by a singular source point. This paper outlines that considering the political influence America has all over the world, and in particular on certain countries such as Iraq or Afghanistan, as well as other countries like the Philippines or Spain in the past – from which the idea of American Imperialism first sprang up – America too can be, and should be, considered an empire as vast as any historical empire, or a nation-empire, that is, a nation extending its influence to a particular nation or region, individually or in alliance with other nations. Therefore, while the United States might not be an empire in the extremely traditional sense of the world, when considering the modern definition and the central role America plays in the world’s politics, including its considerable influence on them, America does indeed fulfill the definition of an Empire, and therefore, it can be said to have a considerable imperialistic influence as well. The United States first demonstrated imperialism and i ts existence as an empire in the Spanish war of 1898, where the Americans aimed to free Cubans from Spanish Atrocities. This is perhaps similar to the influence the Americans had on the Iraqi people in the war on Iraq, where it aimed to free the people of Iraq from the tyrannic rule of their then leaders. Perhaps it should therefore be said that the modern day word for an Empire is a Superpower, with expansion being referenced to as occupation, and policies that imperialism is originally based upon being termed as tools to help build a nation.  

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Humility vs arrogance Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Humility vs arrogance - Research Paper Example Often, it is an arrogance that has caused a disruption within an individual’s ability to cope. Therefore, in helping a congregate to understand the difference between humility and arrogance, a pastor can help a congregate to find a way to cope with the trouble that has entered their life. From an ethical perspective of studying the idea of humility, one can define the term as representing According to Grenberg (2005) who explores the ways in which Kant discussed humility, the term represents the perspective that an individual takes about themselves in comparison to their commitment to moral values and principles. In other words, humility means that what one does is measured against what one believes, knowing that as a human, one will never fully achieve that infinite state of grace that is defined by those moral values. Humility helps an individual to accept their own limitations, finding a substantive measure of balance which can then be extended to understand the limitations of others. Khalsa (2009) defines humility as the solid foundation of an â€Å"authentically spiritual, healthy, and whole human being† (210). The state of humility is founded in a sense of realism, created from the perspective of openness to both the virtues and the failures that reside within everyone. Humility can be a very difficult state to define. Everts (2009) suggests that one of the ways that to examine the concept of humility is to look at what does not define it. Humility is not a virtue that is easily defined by American ideals and standards of cultural beliefs about life. Vanity, presumption, celebrity, arrogance and namedropping â€Å"are the air we breath in this country† (p. 115). Therefore, it is not an easy concept for Americans to define because it is not part of the public discourse on how heroism is defined. Humility is not self-deprecation, it does not find definition in â€Å"feigning ignorance of accomplishments so other will loudly declare the m (Everts, 2009, p. 115). An old concept that can be used to define humility is that of ‘poverty of spirit’. The only true way to understand ‘poverty of spirit’ is in seeing the richness of spirit that resides within Jesus. Within this comparison, one can find humility. It is not a state of diminishing one’s own existence, but in seeing that it is imperfect and needs daily care in order to strive towards the richness of spirit that can be seen in Christ (Everts, 2009, p. 116). Newman (1991) discusses a different aspect of humility. While he acknowledges that humility has been widely discussed, he frames an argument that it has been overemphasized as important. He states that the emphasis on humility takes away from the empowerment that religious spiritual experience can give to a person. The elevated states that are derived from the intellectual love of God can be subverted by the application of humility to them. Newman (1991) quotes Ludwig Feuerbach as saying that â€Å"Christian humility is an inverted arrogance; the believer feels himself preeminent, though as a result of grace rather than his own striving† (p. 81). However, Newman (1991) still believes that there is virtue in humility . That the humble person will experience acceptance of themselves, their nature accepted for its flaws rather than denied because of them. He states that â€Å"

Final Paper Proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Final Paper Proposal - Essay Example ss try to argue what each of these individual thinkers would have thought about the rights of gay marriage – the fact that they all lived more than a century ago probably means that they would all have been against it simply due to bias. Rather, it will argue what positions are internally coherent with their stated philosophies, and whether the philosophical traditions they belong to would support or oppose gay marriage. I believe that, even though Karl Marx had spoken out publicly against gay rights, all three of these thinkers propose philosophies that fundamentally support the right of gay marriage. John Stuart Mill’s liberalism might be the most friendly to the idea. Firstly, he championed the fight against the tyranny of the majority (Mill 24), where majority opinion, bias and hatred controls other parts of the population. The fight against gay marriage is obviously a case of tyranny of the majority. Secondly, he founded the â€Å"harm principle† where actions that do not harm others should not be negated by the government. Though some have argued that gay marriage can harm society, the lack of evidence of specific harm would mean it would be protected by the harm principle. Kant, likewise, would probably support the right of gay people to marriage. One of his foundational works, Groundwork on the Metaphysics of Morals proposes the categorical imperative: that one should behave as one would if behavior became a universal maxim. This will be harder to prove in an essay, but there are many ways of framing the banning of gay marriage that, universalized, would be harmful, such as: relationships not recognized by a particular religion should not be recognized by law or law should be based on religious morality. Finally, based on Marx’s Communist Manifesto, I believe that he would be against the current fight against gay marriage, on purely pragmatic grounds. Marx was a thinker who focused on class, and noted and fought against attempts by the

Friday, July 26, 2019

Strategic management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Strategic management - Essay Example Motivations to engage into corporate social responsibility as shown by Alliance Boots a pharmaceutical corporation can be categorized into four categories. These are: - preservation of human rights, adhering to labor requirements, environmental protection and to run corruption free organizations. Businesses have the responsibility of supporting and respecting human rights throughout the world. With this regard they are motivated to engage into CSR activities to ensure they do not commit any human right abuses (Vidaver-Cohen an Simcic 2008, p.74). With regards to labor movements, organizations should strive to uphold labor requirements and must always respect collective bargaining agreements. They must not at all costs engage in ant forms of forced labor, do away with child labors and must not also discriminate when employing (Waddell 2000, p.113). Alliance Boots has ensured this by establishing efficient and effective employee handling measures right from how they recruit which is fa ir and transparent, the promotion procedures are quite distinct and the welfare of their employees are well taken care of in terms of safe working environment and good and satisfactory remuneration (Campbell 2007, p.142). Another factor that motivates companies is the preservation of the environment that they operate in. It is through global warming that the destruction of the environment results and it is because of the carbon emissions from the industries that world temperatures rise. They must therefore participate to preserve the same environment since it is the sources of raw material. Green operations and campaigning Green are therefore quite common phenomenon to safeguard operations of most corporations (Waddock and Smith 2000, p.232). The companies are engaged in this by throwing their support towards precautionary measures towards the environmental challenges. In addition, they strive to undertake mechanisms to promote their responsibility towards environmental responsibili ty (Campbell 2007, p.173). Alliance Boots engages in development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technology in the design and manufacture of its products including their distribution. Moral and ethical responsibility is a function of most modern corporations to ensure that the businesses collectively work towards discouraging corrupt practices. Alliance Boots ensures they satisfy these motivations through the trust they have built and bestowed upon all their stakeholders. 2. The extent to which ethical issues /CSR drive strategy in the organization In order to determine the extent CSR drives organization strategy, it is appropriate to identify firms or a firm that employs CSR or ethical issues and compare that with their financial performance. Considering Alliance Boots whose CSR approach reflects their internal decision making approaches, CSR is responsible in driving its strategy since without it, it would not be in a position of identifying external stakeholders in its decision-making processes as dictated by management (Husted & Allen 2011, p.127). Therefore, CRS and ethical issues enables the organization to gather information from the external environment. Consequently, through the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Corn-based Ethanol Production Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

Corn-based Ethanol Production - Thesis Example Theoretical framework The study is conducted in the theoretical premise of macroeconomics among other sub-theoretical domains of significant proximity to the objectives and focus concept of this study. . The premise provides the theoretical components that illuminate an understanding of how economic and macroeconomic policies and factors affect the fuel, food production and distribution dynamics. The theoretical framework also presents macroeconomics analysis and inference tools that will help in the establishment of the 'real world' effects of the production of corn-based ethanol on the price of corn. Definitions of Terms Ethanol Ethanol; is also called ethyl alcohol or pure alcohol is a flammable and colorless liquid which is categorised as a psychoactive drug. In common organic chemistry notation ethanol is abbreviated as EtOh. Hayashi, Fumio (2007) states that ethanol is a pure-chain alcohol with molecular formula C2H5OH. Ethanol fuel is ethyl alcohol which constitutes the same kind of alcohol that is contained in alcoholic beverages. Ethanol can be used as fuel biofuel like gasoline. This kind can be produced from common crops such as corn and sugar cane. Ethanol is a growing source of renewable energy alterative to gasoline. Biofuels Biofuel is a term used to refer to solid, liquid or gas fuel that has been produced from biological or organic material. The kind is differentiated from the fossils fuels which are drawn from long metamorphosed biological material. "From a theoretical perspective Biofuels can be made from any biological carbon source" (Hayashi, Fumio 2007). The commonly used sources of biofuels nonetheless are photosynthetic plants. Commodity Markets Commodity... This research exercise is not being conducted in a vacuum. The research exercise fits into a broad body of knowledge which has had numerous contributions from various scholars, researchers, professionals and students who have carried similar or related research exercises. Also; the scope and objectives of this research endeavor occur within related and implied theoretical, ideological and philosophical frameworks which largely influence the disciplines of business. As such the researcher is spurred to consider the multiple contributions relevant and related to this research endeavor. The researcher will present a literature review conducted in locating the object of this study within the broader confines of the bodies of knowledge in focus. The thrust at accomplishing set goals in pursuing the ’green world’ philosophy and theory much based on the need to curtail the towering global climate upheavals has seen the emphasises shift in policy in various industry and agriculture fronts. President George W. Bush has had the production of corn-based ethanol as part of the core of his energy policy. This has brought in some merits and demerits. The resonating concern is that is that the emphasis on corn based ethanol production has adverse impact on the entirety of the national and international agriculture sector. More so the thrust on the production of corn-based ethanol has been the part of the root causes of the escalating food prices.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Security Managers Should Be Managers First And Security Specialist Essay

Security Managers Should Be Managers First And Security Specialist Second - Essay Example Most companies are still far from having an elevated, coordinated security unit. However, the kind of leadership and management drives an organization or a company towards either success or failure. Though everything can be learned and mastered after further experiences and further studies, present activities and accomplishments are qualifications for higher and bigger opportunities that influence others to get involved in the stated missions and visions. Managing and addressing security carries a significant and potential critical responsibility on whatever number of human resource. Security managers' extensive scope of responsibilities require a trivial task - from risk assessment to the implementation of security policies, from human resource issues to the definition of security duties, including global exposure, and strategic planning, must be embraced and managed. The assertion that, security managers should be managers first, and security specialists second, it is but right to present the role of a security manager in the arena of securing potential assets. Where and how they're involved, and let the evidences for qualifications, be seen on why they should be managers first. The importance of continuous attention ... Such attention is important for all types of internal controls, because of the factors that affect security are constantly changing in today's dynamic environment. Managing the increased risks associated with a highly interconnected computing environment demands increased central coordination to ensure that weaknesses in one organizational unit's systems do not place the entire organization's information assets at undue risk. Security managers on the other hand, should filter what senior managers see, and even before that, ensure they only collect information someone both cares about and takes responsibility, for Security managers need to easily position information in the context of risk policy, policy enforcement, and related business imperatives. Risk assessments improve business managers' ability to make decisions on controls needed in the absence of quantified risk assessment results, and engender support for policies and controls adopted, thus helping to ensure that policies and controls would operate as intended. Through the reporting procedure, business managers take responsibility for either tolerating or mitigating security risks associated with their operations. And such procedures provide a relatively quick and consistent means of exploring risk with business managers, selecting cost-effective controls, and documenting conclusions and business managers' acceptance of final determinations regarding what controls were needed and what risks could be tolerated. exposure and strategic planning... What an organization can and can't do strategy wise is always constrained by what is legal, by what complies with

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Consumer law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Consumer law - Essay Example You must take it in the condition in which you found it. This statement by itself does not shield the seller from liability. Under section 6(2)(a) of the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977, as against a person dealing as consumer, liability for breach of the obligations arising from section 13, 14 or 15 of the 1979 Act (seller’s implied undertakings as to conformity of goods with description or sample, or as to their quality or fitness for a particular purpose); cannot be excluded or restricted by reference to any contract term. Dealing as a Consumer is defined under section 12 of the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977.1 An individual deals as a consumer when he neither makes the contract in the course of a business nor holds himself out as doing so the other party does make the contract in the course of a business. The second hand good was not bought in a public auction, and therefore the burden of proving that the purchase was not made as a consumer lies on the seller either because the seller did not sell in the course of business or the buyer did buy or held out to buy in the course of business. The mere fact that Andy had paid the purchase price from his business account does not lead to a conclusion that he was dealing in the course of business and not as a consumer. In fact, his intention was to use the car principally for shopping and collecting the children from school but he did expect occasionally to use it in his business for urgent collections and deliveries of materials. Under section 14(2A) of the 1979 Act, goods are of satisfactory quality if they meet the standard that a reasonable person would regard as satisfactory, taking account of any description of the goods, the price (if relevant) and all the other relevant circumstances. Furthermore, under section 14(2B), the quality of goods includes their state and condition and the following (among others) are in appropriate cases aspects of the quality of goods— The description of the

Monday, July 22, 2019

Astronomy Study Guide Essay Example for Free

Astronomy Study Guide Essay xix. All jovian planets have strong winds and storms 2. Be able to describe the different stages in stellar evolution and which star will end their lives in which ways. Included in this is the maximum masses of stars that will become white dwarfs, neutron stars, and black holes and the maximum masses of white dwarfs and neutron stars. e. Step 1- Becoming a Star xx. As a cloud collapses, the center becomes very, very hot and very dense f. Step 2- Fusion xxi. As the gas cloud collapses, the core becomes hotter and the density inside the core increases xxii. Eventually, the temperature and density reach a point where nuclear fusion can occur g. Step 3- Balance: all main sequence stars are in hydrostatic equilibrium xxiii. Fusion provides radiation that creates an outward pressure h. Protostar to Main Sequence xxiv. A protostar contracts and heats until the core temperature is sufficient for hydrogen fusion i. Upper Limit on a Star’s Mass 3. Understand everythi9ng about the HR diagram and how it can be used j. Identifies a definite relationship between temperature and absolute magnitude k. The smallest stars are the tiny white dwarfs and are found in the lower left corner of the diagram l. Main sequence stars span a range of sizes from the small found in the lower right and the large found in the upper left m. Largest stars are the giant and supergiant stars which are sound in the upper right corner n. Most stars fall somewhere on the main sequence o. Diagram Depicts xxv. Temperature xxvi. Color xxvii. Spectral Type xxviii. Luminosity xxix. Radius 4. Be able to describe the Doppler effect and indicate which stars are shifts the most from looking at the spectra of stars and from looking at the wavelength of peak radiation. p. The Doppler effect is able to determine the movement of objects in space. It can tell if the object is moving toward or away from earth. 5. What are the different types of galaxies and what are the different types and ages of stars that you would expect to observe in each q. Spiral xxx. Disk- stars of all ages, and many gas clouds xxxi. Bulge- old stars, few gas clouds xxxii. Halo- old stars, few gas clouds 1. Blue-White color indicates ongoing star formation 2. Red-Yellow color indicates older star population xxxiii. Barred Spiral Galaxy- has a bar of stars across the bulge xxxiv. Centicular Galaxy- has a disk like a spiral but much less dusty gas(intermediate between spiral and elliptical) r. Elliptical xxxv. All spherical components, virtually no disk component 3. Red-Yellow color indicates older star population s. Irregular xxxvi. Neither spiral nor elliptical 4. Blue-White indicates ongoing star formation 5. All tend to be really far away t. *Spiral galaxies are often found in groups 6. Use energy output vs. wavelength graphs to determine the size temperature and color of various stars. 7. Be able to choose the most cost effective option from a list of possible research telescopes u. Three Types of Telescopes xxxvii. Refracting Telescope-uses a glass lens to concentrate incoming light xxxviii. Reflecting Telescope-uses mirrors to concentrate incoming star light (most researching telescopes today are reflecting) xxxix. Radio Telescopes- sends radio waves into space 8. Give a general description of Big Bang theory and the evidence for it. v. In the 1940’s based on Hubble’s law, George Gamon proposed that the universe began in a colossal explosion w. In the 1950’s, the term Big Bang was coined be an unconvinced Sir Fred Hoyce x. Evidence for Big Bang xl. We have detected the background radiation from the Big Bang xli. Correctly predicts the abundance of helium and other light elements in universe xlii. The cosmic microwave background=the radiation leftover from the Big Bang xliii. Patterns of structure observed by WMAP show the â€Å"seeds† of the universe xliv. Abundance of elements give us clues as well 9. How does the force of gravity between two objects depend on mass and distance. y. Newton’s Law of Gravitation xlv. Two objects attract each other with a force that is directly proportional to the product of their own masses and is inversely proportional to the square of the distance z. Universal Law of Gravitation xlvi. Every mass attracts every other mass xlvii. Attraction is directly proportional to the masses xlviii. Attractions is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between their centers xlix. F=G(m1m2/d2) 10. What provides energy to stars at different points during their lifetime (proto-star, main sequence, red giant, etc†¦) 11. What can we know from the spectrum of a star {. We can determine whether the star is moving toward us or moving away from us. |. We can’t determine the exact speed of the star but we can determine whether it is moving fast or slow toward us and if it is moving fast or slow away from us 12. What is a Cepheid variable? }. Light curve shows that its brightness alternately rises and falls over a period of 50 days ~. With longer periods have higher luminosities 13. What does Hubble’s law say? . Velocity=H0 x distance 14. Compare the sizes of different objects in the solar system, in the galaxy, and in the universe. . The Sun is the largest object in the solar system . Earth VenusMarsMercurymoon 15. Compare the scales (relative distances) to various locations in the solar system, the galaxy, and the universe 16. What makes something science? How do you tell if something is a scientific theory, a hypotheses, or something else? . What is Science l. Seeks to understand the rules and laws of nature li. Uses systematic observations lii. Uses mathematical models liii. Experimentally tests ideas . A Scientific Theory must: liv. Explain a wide variety of observations with a few simple principles lv. Be supportive be a large compelling body of evidence lvi. Not have failed any crucial tests of its validity 17. List properties of thermal radiation. . Hotter objects emit more light at all frequencies . Hotter objects emit photons with a higher average energy . Nearly all large or dense objects emit thermal radiation including stars, planets, and you . An objects thermal radiation spectrum depends only on temperature 18. How do we know our position in the solar system, in the galaxy, and the universe? . Kepler’s Law lvii. Using Kepler’s law we are able to calculate the orbital speed of objects and compare them. lviii. To compare our location to the galactic center we use the Kepler’s Law Rotation curve, which plots an objects orbital speed against the distance from the galactic center. 19. Understand the phases of the moon. Be able to choose relative positions of the Earth, moon, and sun to produce a given moon phase. . 1st quarter . Waxing gibbous . Full moon . Waning gibbous . 3rd quarter . Waning crescent . New moon . Waxing crescent 20. Understand the major motions in the sky- over the course of a day, over the course of man y weeks/months, and over the course of years. 21. What causes seasons? . Earth’s axis points in the same direction all year, so its orientation relative to the sun changes as Earth orbits the sun . Summer occurs in your hemisphere when sunlight hits it more directly, winter occurs when sunlight hits it less directly . Axis tilt is the key to seasons without it we wouldn’t have seasons 22. Apparent and absolute magnitudes, what they tell us, and how they are used to determine distances. . Apparent Magnitude- how bright the object appears to us on earth . Absolute Magnitude- how bright it actually is lix. Negative means brighter lx. Positive means dimmer . By comparing apparent, and absolute magnitude numbers we can estimate the stars distance from earth lxi. When m=M, then the star is located exactly 10 pc away lxii. When mM, then the star appears dimmer than it would 10 pc away 23. List the different types of electromagnetic radiation and their relative wavelengths, and energies. 24. List the pattern of motion of the large objects in the solar system. . All large bodies orbit in the same direction and nearly the same plane . Most rotate in the same direction

Automotive industry Essay Example for Free

Automotive industry Essay Maruti Suzuki India Limited generally famous as Maruti is an ancillary company of the Japanese automaker Suzuki Motor Corporation. It has a market share of 44.9% of the Indian passenger car market as of March 2011. Maruti 800 and Alto are their entry level cars. Ritz, A-Star, Swift, Wagon-R, Estilo are their hatch back models. DZire SX4 are Maruti’s Sedan class models. Eeco and Ertiga are Maruti’s C segment class. Grand Vitara is their Sports Utility Vehicle which is directly imported from Japan. Maruti is the 1st company in India to turn out and sell more than a million cars. Maruti Udyog Limited is renamed as Maruti Suzuki India Ltd on 17th September 2007. Maruti companies head quarter is in Nelson Mandela Road, New  Delhi. The company was customary in 1989; however the actual production commenced in 1983 with their Maruti 800. Till 2004 Maruti 800 was the India’s largest selling packed in car ever, since it was launched in 1983. More than a million units of this car have been sold worldwide so far. Maruti imports diesel engines for all their diesel cars from Fiat motors. Maruti’s manufacturing plants are located at two amenities Gurgoan and Manesar south of Delhi. Gurgoan plants installed capacity is of 9, 00,000 units per annum and Manesar plant with a capacity of 5, 00,000 units per year and a diesel plant with an annual capacity of 1, 00,000 engines and transmissions. Maruti has 933 dealerships crossways 666 towns and cities in all states and union territories of India with 2,946 service stations (inclusive of dealer workshops and Maruti Authorised Service Stations) in 1,395 towns and cities all over India. It has 30 Express Service Stations on 30 National Highways across 1,314 cities in India. Service is a major source of proceeds to the company. Most of the service stations help many stranded vehicles on the highways by sending across their repair man to the vehicle. 1.2 Definition Of Marketing According to American Marketing Association (AMA) Board of Directors, Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value of customers, clients, partners, and society at large. Dr. Philip Kotler defines, marketing as â€Å"the science and art of exploring, creating, and delivering value to satisfy the needs of a target market at a profit. Marketing identifies unfulfilled needs and desires. It defines measures and quantifies the size of the identified market and the profit potential. It pinpoints which segments the company is capable of serving best and it designs and promotes the appropriate products and services†. 1.3 Customer Perceived Value Customer Perceived Value (CPV) is the distinction between the prospective customer’s evaluation of all the benefits and all the costs of an offering and the perceived alternatives. 1.3.1 Customer Perceived Value of Maruti Suzuki with reference to Holbrook Model Typology of Customer Value Holbrook (1994 p. 27) asserted â€Å"Value is an interactive relativistic preference experience†. Based on this Holbrook proposed a typology of consumer value having three different dimensions: Extrinsic/Intrinsic: The consumer perceives value in using or owning a product or services as a means to and end versus an end in itself. Self-oriented/Other-oriented: The consumer perceives value for the consumer’s own benefit as against the benefit of others. Active/Reactive: The customer perceives value through direct use of an object as against apprehending, appreciating or responding to an object. These three dimensions give rise to eight types of customer value Extrinsic Intrinsic Self-oriented Active Efficiency Play Reactive Excellence Aesthetics Other-oriented Active Status Ethics Reactive Esteem Spirituality Thus for a company like Maruti it would be very apt to use this model considering that the products that Maruti Suzuki has to offer fits in quite easily in different dimensions as presented in the typology. 1.3.2 Customer Perceived Value of Maruti Suzuki with reference to Monroe Model Monroe (1990, p. 46) observes, â€Å"Buyers perceptions of value represent a trade-off between the quality or benefits they perceive in the product relative to the sacrifice they perceived by paying the price† Monroe has expressed the concept of customer perceived value as the ratio between perceived benefits and perceived sacrifice: Customer Perceived Value= Perceived Benefits ________________ Perceived Sacrifice According to Monroe perceived benefits has a positive influence on consumers perception of product value at first, and later on it may influence consumers purchase intentions. In contrast, perceived sacrifice first has a negative influence on consumers perception of product value, and later on it may influence consumers purchase intentions. Perceived Benefits Here the benefits include customers’ desired value, e.g., quality (Monroe, 1990). Sacrifices, on the other hand, include monetary (price) (Dodds, et al., 1991) and non-monetary (time, effort) (Cronin, et al., 2000) considerations. Therefore, value includes three key factors: (1) quality, (2) price, and (3) convenience (Lemon, et al., 2001), where convenience is the time and effort expended by the customers (Cronin, et al., 2000) In context to Maruti, the customer’s desired value is the quality of the car and services rendered there off. Whereas the sacrifices include the price of the car, maintenance cost, etc. 1.3.3 Customer Perceived Value of Maruti with reference to Woodruff’s Model A Value-Hierarchy Model Woodruff (1997) proposed that â€Å"Customer value is a customer’s perceived preference for and evaluation of those product attributes, attribute performances and consequences arising from use that facilities achieving the customer goals and purposes in use situations.† (p146) Accordingly the customer value hierarchy suggests that customers conceive of desired value in a means-end way. Basically it can be known as a system to run businesses throughout the country by understanding customer’s goal and satisfaction over it (Lister, n.d.) Desired Customer Customer Satisfaction Value with Received Value Customer’s Goals and Purposes Desired Consequences in Use Situations Desired Product Attributes and Attribute Preferences Starting at the bottom of the hierarchy, customers start to think about products as bundles of specific attributes and attribute performances. While purchasing and using a product they form desire or preferences for a certain attribute based on their ability to facilitate achieving desired consequence experiences. Looking down the hierarchy from the top, customers use goals and preferences to attach importance to consequences. Also the customer’s use situation plays a critical role in evaluation as well as in desires. Maruti Suzuki, being an automobile manufacturing company faces a lot of competition. Thus such a model would be very essential for their company. 1.3.4 Consumer perceived value of Maruti with reference to Zeithaml Model Means-End Model An adaptation of a model first proposed by Dodds and Monroe (1985), Zeithaml with her study in 1988 about price, quality and value towards consumers defined this into the concept of Means-End model. (Source: Means-End Model, Zeithaml, 1988) 2. Value Proposition Definition of ‘Value Proposition’ A business or marketing speech that summarizes why a customer should buy an item for consumption or use a service. This statement should prove a potential buyer that one meticulous product or service will add more value or better solve a problem than other like offerings. Companies use this statement to target customers who will benefit most from using the company’s products, and this helps maintain an economic moat. The ideal value proposition is concise and appeals to the customer’s strongest decision-making drivers. Companies pay a high price when customers lose slight of the company’s value proposition. 2.1 Value Proposition of Maruti Suzuki ‘Way of Life’ is the Value Proposition of Maruti Suzuki. As India is a country where comfort is vital while travelling, Maruti has always been the first option. As mileage is a big criterion with cars for Indians, Suzuki proves to be better than quite a few other names in cars as its vehicles have a higher mileage; for example Swift gives 22km/ltr while if you compare a Honda City gives around 12-13 km/litre. 2.2 Mission Vision of Maruti Suzuki The Company Mission To make available a wide range of modern, high quality fuel efficient vehicles in order to meet the need of different customers, both in domestic and export markets. The Company Vision We must be an internationally competitive company in terms of our products and services. We must retain our leadership in India and should also aspire to be among the global players. Their focus is on: Building a continuously improving organization adaptable to quick changes Providing value and satisfaction to the customer Aligning and fully involving all our employees, suppliers and dealers to face competition Maximising Shareholder’s value 2.3 Target Market Definition of target market: A specific group of consumers at which a company aims its products and services. Maruti Suzuki has adopted a focused approach and wisely created segments within a large market to promote their cars. Lower Income Group- Maruti 800, Alto  Middle Income Group- Wagon-R, Swift, Swift DZire, Ritz High Income Group- Maruti Suzuki Kizashi, Suzuki Grand Vitara Suzuki Grand Vitara would obviously have no takers amongst the lower income group. 2.4 Market Attractiveness Market attractiveness is a term that describes the profit possibilities available in a given market or industry. The more attractive a market is, the higher the potential profits. Companies in the process of considering entires into new industries or markets conduct a number of analyses to determine whether or not such a move would be good for the business. One such analysis is a market attractiveness analysis, conducted to find out if entering a particular market or industry would be profitable and how much the company could potentially earn. The automobile industry is a huge and diversified market. It can be divided into different segments each satisfying different needs of the customers. These different segments can be classified as: SUV’s, Sedans, Hatchbacks, C segments etc. This gives an automobile company ample amount of opportunities. Maruti Suzuki  is prevalent in all of these segments and is considered as one of the premium brands in all of these segments. In this very market other than the different segments of automobiles also is the service rendered by the company to the customers. Thus the market is as attractive as one would hope for giving Maruti Suzuki a chance to make the most of it.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Fashion Essays Fashion and Hugo Boss

Fashion Essays Fashion and Hugo Boss Fashion and Hugo Boss Hugo Boss â€Å"Fashion is a uniquely sensuous, dynamic and international phenomenon, and HUGO BOSS holds a leading position in this fascinating market. The exceptional personal commitment and standout achievements of our employees form the cornerstones of our success.† (Dr. Bruno Sà ¤lzer, Chair of the Managing Board, HUGO BOSS AG). Hugo Boss AG is a fashion house based in Metzingen, Germany, specializes in high-end apparel. It is named after its founder, Hugo Boss. Hugo Boss has been successfully asserting and expanding its position as a global market leader in the upscale fashion market for many years. The HUGO BOSS brands encompass all key fashion areas, ranging from classic clothing, evening and leisurewear to functional sportswear and complementary accessories. Licensed products such as eyewear, watches, fragrances and cosmetics further enhance our collections. HUGO BOSS is represented in the fashion market by the BOSS, HUGO and BALDESSARINI brands. HUGO BOSS products are available worldwide in over 100 countries. HUGO BOSS the name denotes success, perfection and a style that transcends international borders. Its primary competitors are Gianni Versace, Armani and Gucci in the fashion retail sector. The BOSS and HUGO brands cover all the major fashion segments for men and women. Additional product groups such as shoes and accessories, fragrances, eyewear, and watches complement the individual collections. The target audiences mainly catered to by HUGO BOSS are individuals ranging between the age groups of 20-60 years. Largely, its customers are the young and the professional working class. The marketing channels used are the seasonally changing advertising strategies, business through the internet, public relations and various sales promotion schemes. Products HUGO BOSS is represented in the fashion market by the BOSS and HUGO brands. These brand collections and their fashion lines are aimed at various target groups, creating a brand world of extraordinary fashion diversity at a constantly high level of quality. The BOSS Black, BOSS Selection, BOSS Orange and BOSS Green lines as well as the accompanying accessory collections are all part of the core BOSS brand. BOSS Black The women’s collections in the BOSS Black line offer versatile fashion ranges with a rich array of elegant â€Å"modern classics† in business-, leisure- and formalwear: perfect looks that satisfy the most sophisticated tastes. BOSS Orange BOSS Orange offers casual collections for women who enjoy dressing in style and wearing surprising looks. Unusual materials, bold colors and beautiful details appeal to a clientele that delights in experimentation. HUGO HUGO delivers innovative looks for women with a young, upbeat attitude. The collections feature body-hugging silhouettes and up-to-the-minute styles. Accessories For the past several years, a broad selection of innovative lifestyle products has complemented the HUGO BOSS fashions. The segment Shoes Accessories has featured most prominently and represents considerable growth potential for the company. This product group was therefore integrated into the Group in 2004 and has been progressively expanded since. Micro-Environment Micro-environment denotes those elements over which the marketing firm has control or which it can use in order to gain information that will better help it in its marketing operations. In other words, these are elements that can be manipulated, or used to glean information, in order to provide fuller satisfaction to the company’s customers. P’S of Marketing Product For men include: Boss Black/Boss Black Selection, Boss Green, Boss Orange, Hugo, and Baldessarini. For women: Boss Black, Boss Orange and Hugo. Also part of the brand is Lifestyle Accessories. (As explained above ) Price The price that a customer pays varies for each type of their product. Their target market constitutes are people between the age of 20 and 60, i.e. for the young, professional and working class. The price of the products of an industry are determined by a number of factors including market share, competition, market costs, product identity and also the customer’s perceived value of product. Place Place comprises of two distinct elements: channels of distribution and transportation of goods. HUGO BOSS sells its products are various stores and outlets. It has various retail outlets. It also has logistics that relates to the physical warehousing and transportation of goods from various places. It is well organized and effectively working. Promotion HUGO BOSS promotes itself by advertising their products via Media, i.e. TV, newspapers, banners, internet, etc. Also, sponsorship, product placement, endorsements, direct mail, trade shows, etc help them to promote their brand efficiently in the market. It is also engaged in charitable work. Macro Environment Macro-environment refers to the surroundings in the market which are unavoidable and need to be adjusted with than manipulate them. It is essential to study these factors that affect the business techniques followed by the organization. Knowing these factors is very important; once exploited, they may prove to be very beneficial to the firm. Pest Analysis Political and Legal Factors Hugo Boss is involved in international operations. Thus, it faces the domestic as well as the international political concerns. They export and have joint ventures and subsidiary companies abroad. The political and legal factors in various countries differ a lot. Hugo Boss has to take in consideration all these factors since its products are available in over 100 countries. Special attention needs to be given to volatile conditions so that the political conditions are monitored very carefully. Government policy can severely affect the financial results of the business. For instance the aggressive US fiscal policy driven in art by the invasion of Iraq has caused the US dollar to depreciate against other currencies such as the EUR or GBP. Economic Factors Economic factors are of concern to HUGO BOSS because they are likely to influence, among other things, demand, costs, prices and profits. These factors are largely outside the control of the individual firm, but their effects on individual enterprises can be profound. Political and economic factors are often strongly related. Since HUGO BOSS is engaged in international marketing, changes in world economic forces are potentially highly significant. The rate of inflation, unemployment and the level of domestic interest rates affect the return from new investments and can inhibit the adoption and diffusion of new technologies. Economic changes pose a set of opportunities and threats, this it is very important that HUGO BOSS monitors the economic environment at both domestic and world levels. Social and Cultural Factors It is very important for HUGO BOSS to manifest itself in changing tastes, purchasing behavior and c hanging priorities. The type of goods and services demanded by the consumers is a function of their social conditioning and their consequent attitudes and beliefs. Social changes are preceded by changes over time in a society’s cultural values. The weather changes are also another factor to be taken care of. Every time the weather of a country changes they need to change their products. Consumers need different trends and styles. They do not need want to wear the same styles every time. The lifestyle trend changes to an extent every time. HUGO BOSS also has an outstanding advertising. All this helps them create the effectiveness of their products etc. Technological Factors HUGO BOSS plays an important part in technological progress. They have their own research department which plays a part in innovating new developments and new applications. A change in the technological environment affects the products and services that the firm produces and the way in which the firms carry out their business operations. There is a very important need to have technological improvements in the business in today’s world. The design of the collections and the development of groundbreaking production technologies both occur at corporate headquarters in Metzingen. There, for each of the year’s four seasons, their creative teams design the fashions that capture the contemporary zeitgeist. Swot Analysis SWOT analysis refers to the Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats that a company evaluates in itself as well as from the market which it is trying to capture. With this knowledge, the internal and external factors of the firm can be easily analyzed and worked upon to improve the growth and market share of the firm. Strengths and Weaknesses form the internal factors and Opportunities and Threats form the external factors that influence the marketing activities of an organization. Strengths The strengths that a company represents the competitive advantage that it has over the other firms it’s competing with. HUGO BOSS has a very good reputation, resulting in a high market share, making it the biggest retailer on the high streets. A good repute brings a high consciousness of the brand name in the minds of almost every potential consumer. Its diversity and variety in the product offerings, furnishing to everyone’s needs whether man or woman, and middle aged customers has added on to being one of its strengths and reasons for loyalty in the marketplace. Weaknesses Weaknesses often discourage employees in a corporation, but identifying them is necessary in order to overcome them to re-enter the market. A company’s weaknesses are not just the problems from the firm’s point of view, but also from the consumer’s point of view. These limitations slow down the progress of the company when compared to its competitors. Some of HUGO and BOSS’ inabilities are keeping up with the changing trends in the retail market. Sometimes their incapability to target the right customers in terms of product range and potentiality also hinder the growth of the company. Opportunities Opportunities refer to the upcoming trends or social, economical or technological patterns that can be exploited to increase market share and customer loyalty. Since the age group targeted by HUGO BOSS is till the age of 60 years, more number of old people should be targeted as prospective customers. Collaboration with other companies to increase product breadth and depth, with more celebrity patronage is a sure opportunity that should be taken advantage of. Buying competitors who could pose a threat in the future is also a possibility that HUGO BOSS can utilize to keep up its market share. Threats Threats are the inevitable situations that might arise, which the company needs to handle tactfully. These are external factors that cannot be controlled by the company. Changing trends in fashion and economic and technological advances are some of the threats that all fashion industries face, including HUGO BOSS. The varying structures in the market, mostly in the younger clothing markets also are threats to retailers. Conclusion In 1987, Boss Orange for men was launched described as sporty and casual separating itself from the trendy Hugo brand and the sophisticated Boss Black brand. Boss Green is a completely sporty brand selling items designed for sport or a sporty look. The companys products, divided over three brands, are available throughout the world in 103 countries and more than 5,002 retail stores. These brands are Boss, Hugo, and since 2004, Baldessarini. The latter, Baldessarini GmbH, is a more independent business unit which focuses on a more prestigious image than its two sister brands. It sells, like the other Hugo Boss brands, clothing, shoes, fragrances and accessories but will leave Hugo Boss after the Spring/Summer 2007 collection has been sent to boutiques. This is due to the newly launched premium Boss line, Boss Black Selection, outselling Baldessarini. Todays sub-brands for men include: Boss Black/Boss Black Selection, Boss Green, Boss Orange, Hugo, and Baldessarini. For women: Boss Black, Boss Orange (announced in July 2005 for Spring/Summer 2006 launch) and Hugo. Also part of the brand is Lifestyle Accessories. With an analysis on the various factors affecting the firm along with its strengths and opportunities as internal factors and weaknesses and threats as external factors, there is a clear understanding on the position and market segment HUGO BOSS covers and satisfies. Its strengths and weaknesses along with its PEST factors, the behavior of the organization towards these aspects in the marketing field, are also identified. References 1) Kotler, P. (1996) ‘The Principles of Marketing’, Second European Edition, Prentice Hall 2) Marketing (2002) : ‘Dont let medias search for a story cloud the business issues.’ Vol 3, p. 16 3) (as viewed on 10/12/07) 4) (as viewed on 10/12/07) 5) (as viewed on 11/12/07)

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Marketing Plan for Internet Cafes In India Essay -- Business Managemen

Marketing Plan for Internet Cafes In India Executive Summary The goal of this marketing plan is to outline the strategies, tactics, and programs that will make the sales goals outlined in this Internet Cafe business plan a reality in the year 2003 in few states in India. This plan is for Indian Markets only. Internet Cafe, unlike a typical cafe, provides a unique forum for communication and entertainment through the medium of the Internet. Internet Cafe is the answer to an increasing demand. The public wants: (1) access to the methods of communication and volumes of information now available on the Internet, and (2) a place to socialize and share these experiences with friends and colleagues. Marketing will play a vital role in the success of Internet Cafe. Internet Cafe must build a brand around the services it offers by heavily promoting itself through local television, radio, and print advertising. Marketing efforts are just beginning by the time a potential customer enters Internet Cafe for the first time. A strong emphasis will be put on keeping customers and building brand loyalty through programs focused on staffing, experience, and customer satisfaction. Target markets include: †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Students from nearby housing centers. †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Business people from the downtown business centers and professional buildings. †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Seniors from nearby retirement facilities. †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Family members – People who have relatives abroad. This group is very large in few states in India especially states like Kerala where minimum one member from each family living abroad. Situation Analysis Internet Cafe opened its doors for business a little over a year ago. Business is good, and customers have been impressed with our offerings, but we need to focus our efforts on implementing the strategies, programs, and tactics outlined in the original business plan. Differentiating ourselves from other more traditional cafes has given us the ability to effectively compete on the beverage and pastry side of the business with the already entrenched competition. Sales are brisk and in-line with projections. The Internet services side of the business is rapidly being accepted by the local community. Memberships are meeting the projections outlined in the business plan, and sales of Internet services are meeting the goals forecast. Students love to gather for late... ...ove the allocated 20%. We'll be able to hire the marketing manager earlier, and we'll be able to provide more equipment and possibly add an additional location. Revenues miss projections - We have to be prepared for this possibility. If we miss our projections, we simply have to re-double our marketing efforts. The danger in this scenario is that the first reaction to missed projections is to decrease spending, particularly marketing expenses. We can't do that! We have to get our message out to the target market, and we can't do that if we stop spending on marketing. Additional capital infusions may become necessary and that possibility is detailed in the business plan. Internet side of business plays a lesser role - Our customers might not be willing to pay for Internet access or Internet Cafe memberships as Internet access costs and hardware costs continue to fall. If this scenario materializes, we will need to move our focus to beverages and pastry items, perhaps even providing deli-style lunches. Internet services in the scenario would still play an important role in attracting customers; we'd just have to charge less and move our numbers around to accommodate this trend.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Agent Orange :: Vietnam War Essays

Agent Orange In 1961, the United States began spraying herbicides in its military campaign to defoliate the jungles of southern Vietnam. Mimicking Smokey Bear, American pilots chuckled "Remember! Only you can prevent forests," as they dropped weed killers over target sites. But as research progressed, the true nature of the chemicals which they were spraying came to light. It is certainly no longer a laughing matter when it is realized that Agent Orange, a major herbicide used, could be as deadly to humans as it is to plants. The military research of herbicides dates back to World War II (1). Ineffectiveness prevented them from being used in the war. By the late 1950’s, however, herbicides developed could defoliate a large variety of plants. Naturally, they were thought to be a great weapon in combating jungle warfare. Applied to the Vietnam War, herbicides were used to defoliate the jungle and to destroy crops. Defoliation stripped the jungle of vegetation. Left barren, it no longer provided camouflage for the Viet Cong, their supply routes and base camps which would be more prone to aerial attacks. Crop destruction denied the communists of local food sources. This forced them to divert more resources to provide and transport foods other regions. But just as important, crop destruction also weakened enemy morale and forced villagers to move to cities where they could be more easily controlled. The program for spraying herbicides over Vietnam was code named Operation Trail Dust. It began in 1961 and peaked from 1967 to 1969 (2). Various methods were employed to systematically spray these chemicals. On ground, they were used by soldiers to clear the perimeters of their base camps. Riverboats were used to spray the riverbanks. Most damage to the jungle was done by air. The Air Force Operation Ranch Hand, as it was called, used C-123 cargo aircrafts and helicopters to drop the majority of the herbicides used. There were many types of herbicides used by the United States in Vietnam. Each was named after the color of the 4-inch band painted around the 55-gallon drums in which it was contained: Agent White, Purple, Blue, Green, Pink and Orange. In all, 19.4 million gallons of herbicides were used, 60% of which were Agent Orange (2). The effects of the sprayings on the jungle were immediately recognizable. Estimates show that six million acres or twenty percent of the entire land area of the Republic of South Viet Nam was covered with chemical poisons (3).

Charlotte Temple - Ideas of Love Essay -- essays papers

Charlotte Temple - Ideas of Love In the 18th century, when Charlotte Temple was written, society’s ideas about women, love, and obligations were extremely different from views held in the 20th century. Women did not have many rights, and society made them think that their place in life was to marry well. They were not supposed to have desires or hopes for an amazing kind of love. They were merely supposed to marry the man who their families intended them to marry, and live their lives being a dutiful wife and mother. Love had a similar essence in the 1700’s. It was not looked at as being essential to a relationship; convenience and social status was more important than love in an 18th century marriage. Finally, social obligations were almost completely opposite then to what they are now. As opposed to 20th century obligations to the self, education, and wealth, the 18th century focused more on social status and family, and not so many personal or independent obligations. (â€Å"Eighteenth†) In Charlotte Temple, a radical idea concerning a breakdown of social norms, and a restructuring of important obligations was presented. Familial and social responsibilities seemed to take a backseat to Charlotte’s (and other characters) independent and personal lives. For this reason, Charlotte Temple was a revolutionary novel that gave people in the 18th century a new way of looking at life. It emphasized love and emotions, while disregarding normal cultural ideas. In the beginning of the novel, familial or social obligations were told through the stories of Mr. Temple, Charlotte, and La Rue. The narrator remarked that Mr. Temple’s brother was â€Å"made completely wretched by marrying a disagreeable woman, wh... ...iserable and alone. The two women began Charlotte Temple in the same fashion: looking for independence and self-worth. However, then endings of the two women were different. It seemed as if the narrator is saying if one never leaves or even returns to social obligations, the end result will be happiness. If one denies obligations, then the end result will be misery. This novel, however radical it was regarding the risks of social and familial obligations for personal attribution, basically stated at the end that the one who does adheres to obligations will be happy in the end. So, in conclusion, Charlotte Temple did break down social norms by presenting the idea that people could have resisted â€Å"normal† social obligations to pursue personal happiness. However, it was not so radical as to say that one would have been happy if they denied their duties.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

How Can Tax Cuts Help Revive the Economy

There are many opinions and predictions about how the economy will get back on track or how it will sink, and what should be the best approach of the government to take on this economic crisis. How important is the role of the government and how much a government should interfere in the economy? Introduction Unemployment has been one of the major concerns for many governments; historically unemployment reached 25% in the United States during the great depression in 1933. When there are no jobs people don’t have the money to spend, and demand for products decreases.When demand decreases many companies go out of business or just hire fewer workers, while unemployment keeps growing. The government has a very powerful tool called fiscal policy to manipulate the economy and control and manage the levels of demand. Fiscal Policy Fiscal policy is based on the theories of John Maynard Keynes also known as the Keynesian economics. The theory of Keynes state that the government can infl uence the economy by manipulating the increase or decrease of taxes and at the same time the level of government spending.By controlling the level of government spending what fiscal policy can do is to change the position of the Aggregated Demand curve (AD), since Government (G) is part of the aggregated demand. At the same time the government could cut taxes putting more money into the pockets of consumers called â€Å"disposable income†, which is another way of busting the Aggregated Demand since Consumers (C) is also part of the Aggregated Demand. The Multiplier EffectI think that there is a good question that we can formulate here: If government cut taxes and raises the level of government spending, how can the economy get better if by cutting taxes the government has less coming in, and at the same time by spending more the government is has more coming out? The multiplier effect states that when a part of the Aggregated Demand (C+I+G+(X-N) is changed, any of this compon ents which usually is (G), the result is an increase even greater than what was originally impacted by the changed and by doing this the government could push out the Aggregated Demand curve according to this rule.To explain the multiplier effect a little better let’s imagine that the government has 1 million dollars to spend, and it has several choices to do so, so let’s say that they decide to construct a new bridge. They hired 10 people who are now being paid and will spend part of that money each on another 10 more individuals. They spend 80% as disposable income and basic needs and save 20%. By spending 80% they are creating revenue for somebody else, who will use it as disposable money, at the same time by saving money they are creating more resources for a bank to e able to invest. At the end the initial money the government spent is not lost is only multiply and has created jobs, it has raised the level of demand, and it has boosted the (AD). The answer to the initial question: We can guess that the government expects to boost or better the economy by spending more, because eventually this spending will result into a greater impact into the economy by the consumers (C) Obstacles Reaching the GoalsFiscal Policies have some obstacles that can make the goals very hard to reach, and it could reverse the process and create inflation if these policies are not monitored constantly. The way this could happen is if too much money is injected into the economy while taxes are still down, and the consumer demands for goods and services are lower than the production supply. The increase in economic productivity can cross over a very fine line devaluating the real value of money and pushing the prices up, hence inflation occurs.At the same time the Multiplier effect can work in reverse because the success of the multiplier effect is based on the level of consumer spending. If the consumer doesn’t want to spend any money during difficult times th ere will be no money injected into the economy and the impact will be a decrease on the aggregated output. Conclusion The government plays a very important role in the economy, the decisions the government makes has a tremendous impact in the lives of its citizens.Making smart decisions in an economy that seems very volatile and probably unpredictable is very difficult. I believe that by making tax cuts and spending which I would call (Investing) the government is making the right decisions because in the long run my generation is eager to be part of this economy and very soon become a big spender after I am done with school, after I graduate.Bibliography/ReferencesHeakal, Reem. What is Fiscal Policy? Investopedia AForbes Digital Company File under: Bonds, Economics, Retirement URL Web Site: http://www. investopedia. com/articles/04/051904. aspWikipedia: Fiscal Multiplier:URL Web site: http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Fiscal_multiplier Holden, Paj.Teacher of Economics:PajHoldenâ€℠¢s Channel In Youtube fiscal policy and the multiplier effect URLWeb Site: http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=0CjNlyiDAno New Law's Tax Cuts Mean Extra Cash: IRS Web Site http://www. irs. gov/newsroom/article/0,,id=109816,00. html

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

The Feminist Aesthetics of Virginia Woolf: Modernism, Post-Impressionism, and the Politics of the Visual Essay

youthfulityIntroduction modernness fag end entail three identical meanings. Firstly, modernness can mean cheekiness or innovation, adverting something that contrast the old and beca affair install crossways a accepted opinion in patterned advance. Secondly, conglomerate verbalized meaning refers to the modern episode tacit, from philosophical perspective, as linked to rationality, critical persuasion and the era since the 18th degree Celsius, which started to highlight discernment as an approach of purpose exam of realism that is strongly linked with empiricist philosophy in philosophy. Thirdly, modernness is linked with expressed tendency in arts offset in the late 19th century that highlight psychology, inseparable bonk and non- theatrical perfor homophileceal, incoherent replica of ingenuousness as revea guide in the lasts of kit and caboodle of most European and American authors, and the whole kit and caboodle of avant-garde among some other poeti c tendencies. In contrast of sidemodernism tantrum of the world, modernism in particular of the early twentieth century and after the First bena repugn, struggled to present a literary mould in regard to jumbled post World War I ingenuousness, further as well as as a whole, though fragmented, resulting to a transcendental sense. contemporaneity was similarly a rejoinder to conventional pictorial office techniques that attempted to mimic ingenuousness modernist literary whole kit put free weight on skewed come across preferably of a credence in likelihood of a literary work to put across the objective connotation and earth (Caughie, 2007.pp 23). Modernism was wound up by a sore era of large outstrip fruit, new era of industrialism, especially in the USA and great Britain, technological changes as well as socio-historic proceedings and breeze of the era. Changes in the socio-economic and industrial structure called for new perception of the world. Scient ific interventions and industrial production have stirred technological progress and the increased alienation in the cursorily developing urban surroundings. However, scientific changes and industrial production have also led to skepticism linked with the abuse of technologies for genocide during the World War I. Although, modernism is usually fragmented and experimental, arts and literary works supportd an artistical and artistic knowledge as a substitute to the depressive and chaotic reality (Caughie, 1991.pp 18). In contrast to realistic literary works which try on mimetic rule of imitation of reality that is the literary productions that revealed the world as knowable, imitable and knowable via oral communication, discernment and experience, the modernist publications presented a incredulous representation on such a visual modality of reality and the capability of literature to entrust a truthful, objective and objective personation of reality. Modernist literatur e emphasized on mind, psychology, subjective experience and inner vitality of characters rather of describing the class betrothal, external, outer and well-disposed reality. Modernist literature was connected not alone to normal skepticism of the post World War I era, but also with emergence mistrust of philosophers, scientists, scholars and artists in the capacity of creator to grasp, comprehend and elucidate reality. According to aesthetic and philosophical perspective, modern literature highlights postmodern ontological and epistemic aspects. Friedrich Nietzsche contributed a plug in literature where he theorized mans will to unreliability and force of style to represent the world. Ludwig Wittgenstein dealt with philosophy of language and the unexpected meaning it produces via the language games, and Sigmund Freud understood humane existence as infatuated rather rational being goaded by sexual desires, unconscious forces and moderate dreams. Martin Heidegger is an other significant philosopher who has influenced not only modernist, but also postmodernist thinking, especially in relation to the language and the representation of reality by dint of it. Heidegger acknowledged language as a defective strong point of referring to realism and highlighted its authority to generate out of the blue(predicate) and unrestrained meanings. Anton Pokrivcak gives a summary of the discrepancy between postmodernism and modernism as follows The break of serve from modernism to postmodernism is understood as the dismissal within ontology from determinacy to indeterminacy of being, from transcendence to immanence, from symbol to allegory, from the world of ideology to the world of mutant (Pokrivcak 199839), and this shift, in his fancy, can be also characterized as the substitution of a semantic way of making sense for a semiotic one. In their literature, modernist illustration writers of 20th century such as James Joyce and Virginia Woolf maintained the ideas and subjectivized human experience and highlighted on inner subjective experience as mostly expressed by first person narrator and stream-of-consciousness storey method, a term overtaken from psychological theories of William James. Modernist writers then subjectivized knowledge and, in their literary works, brought off the suggestion that the globe cannot be impartially known only instinctively sensed by human brain. Subjectivity manifested typically itself, as it was highlighted above, in the first person narrative and the use of the stream-of-consciousness narrative technique bringing forth the subjective examine of reality by human brain. In modernist fictional works, muddled reality revealed itself in authors utilization of fragmentary composition, non-chronological and in a portrayal of the relations between the characters. The use of non-linear, non-chronological time and fragmentary composition depicted a latest responsiveness of the chaotic world and the est rangement as a result of new era and action in the cities. Alienation reveals itself in the characters experience to work, clubhouse, the city and other characters that can at last lead to the emotions of nihilism. Moreover, alienation is well associated to uncertainty which reveals itself in the characters attitudes to the people. Modernist literature is on a regular basis parodic and ironic. Parody and Irony are employ as a type revaluation both of rational or deluxe literary convention and of the world. Modernist writers habitually utilize ancient mythology that are altered and recontextualized in a new-made context and therefrom they become recent myths associated to modernist cultural knowledge. Virginia Woolf, an face modernist writer, provides that In or about December, 1910, human character changed. The two statements meant a conviction that the community and its responsiveness had altered in 20th century and, simultaneously, a conviction in the likelihood of fres h types of arts, which would reflect a new scientific progress, cognisance but also cynicism and turmoil of the recent age. Modernist literature incorporated the procedures of innovative technologies, social media among other types of art to put across this responsiveness of an innovative period. Viginia Woolf contribured immensely to postmodernism by means of her unfeigned work Literature in quest and quest of itself. Woolf raised various questions since her genuine works emphasized on social contexts and narrative strategies. Viginia Woolf was regarded as an archetype of a high modernist aesthetics in early 1970s. However, Woolfs literal works continue to receive major lit crit who considers her as an exemplar of a womens rightist writing practice. Virginia Woolf literal works not only emphasized on libber politics and modernist aesthetics, but it also took bully interest in the status and genius of the fiction itself. Virginia Woolf is famous for great work in regard to the modern young and her exceptional style of writing in highlighting major issues especially in feminist writing. In the novels, To The Lighthouse and Mrs Dolloway, Woolf evaluate the relations, both profound and superficial and how they are applied to the greater epistemological questions of being and life. Woolf put a balance to the substance of several(prenominal) self and the communication of individual self with fellow human beings through representation of a set of oft questionablely interrelated characters. Woolf has skillfully succeeded to provide the draw with subversive keys to her view of life and its meaning. Woolf vision of life and its meaning balances the pivotal character of individual and relational geographic expedition and dependence (Goldman, 1998.pp 92). Woolf was interested in bring out the connection between future, past and life. Woolf literal works was aimed at explaining how humanitys eventual purpose prevails in an ambiguous balance between o urselves and others in the theater of operations of social and intellectual achievement. Postmodern literal work is a fraction of historical and socio-cultural development and can be seen as a detailed manner of a portrayal of the postmodern life and culture. It shows a crisis of identity of human being and its struggle for legitimization in a hypocritical society (Rosenberg, 2000.pp 59). Virginia Woolf literal works help the leader to understand the connection between modernism and epistemological quest for meaning. According to aesthetic and philosophical perspective modernist literature emphasize on postmodernist ontological and epistemological aspects. In conclusion, modernism can imply three similar meanings. First, modernism can mean novelty or innovation. Modernism can also imply modern period based on the draw between reality and empiricism of philosophy. Last, modernism can be associated with arts. Modernism is diametrical from postmodernism because it attempted to bring out literary work based on reality though in a fragmented approach, thus creating transcendental meaning. Modernism was stimulated by new large scurf production and industrialism in USA and Great Britain. Though fragmented, literary arts and works provided an aesthetic and artistic experience as an option to the depressive and chaotic reality. Modernist works such as that of Virginia Woolf revealed a skeptical view on such a vision of reality and the ability of a literary work to offer a truthful, objective representation of reality. Modernist literature emphasized on subjective, inner life, mind and psychology of characters preferably of focusing on class conflict and social reality. Virginia Woolf was famous for her great parting in modernist literature, though she faces a group of criticism from various authors who believe her work was only from feminism politics and surmise of postmodernism.ReferencesCaughie, PamelaL. Postmodern and Poststructuralist Approaches to Virginia Woolf.(2007) Print.Caughie, PamelaL. Virginia Woolf & Postmodernism Literature in invite & Question of Itself.(1991) Print.Colonial Anxiety and primitivism in Modernist Fiction Woolf, Freud, Forster, Stein. N.p.,n.d.. Print.Da, Silva N. T. Modernism and Virginia Woolf. Windsor Windsor Publications,1990. Print.Goldman, Jane. The feminist Aesthetics of Virginia Woolf Modernism, Post-Impressionism, and the Politics of the Visual. Cambridge Cambridge UP,1998. Print.Goldman, Jane. The Feminist Aesthetics of Virginia Woolf Modernism, Post-Impressionism, and the Politics of the Visual. Cambridge Cambridge UP,1998. Print.modernism-postmodernism. modernism. N.p., n.d. Web. 3Dec.2014. .Rosenberg, BethC. Virginia Woolfs Postmodern Literary History. Mln 3(2000) 25. Print. fountain document

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Body soul destinction Essay

Body soul destinction Essay

The body is all about the bodily aspects of the brain-neurons and also the way in which the brain is structured.Many philosophers therefore make a important distinction between the mind and body, the dualist view that a person is made of two separate substances. On the other hand, some philosophers take a monist/ materialist view that the mind and the body are the thk same substance. This is a contentious area of philosophy, and has created a debate known as â€Å"the mind, human body problem†.Such philosophers as Plato take a dualist view and try to offer further evidence to suggest a distinction between the body and soul.It is located in space and time.Plato used evidence such as the â€Å"world of the forms†. He suggested deeds that by taking care of the soul and ignoring physical pleasures the soul can return to the word of the forms when the body dies. The evidence of Plato’s theory can be seen everyday.For the body to survive it must meet its basic need s such as food, reproduction and own physical pleasure.

He thought that soul and the body were two unique materials.’ According to Aquinas, the soul operates independently of the body. Aquinas believed the only things that are divisible into parts decay. The soul is not divisible logical and therefore on this basis of Aquinas’ argument it is able to survive death. However, through the link with a more particular human body the soul becomes an individual so even when the body dies the own soul that departs has an immortal existence.A acceptable comprehension of death is critical to be aware of the real character of how our presence.This supports the dualist view as firstly, it proves that the soul is immortal and lives on after death, and secondly that the soul is separate from the body as the man who claims to be Jesus appears to be unrecognisable implying he has a different physical appearance. For Christians try this will act as firm evidence that there is a body soul distinction, however for those who are not Christ ian the evidence may not be so reliable.Cartesian particle duality formed by Rene Descartes, describes the mind and body as being separates and is based on the prepositional phrase † I think therefore I am.† Descartes explained that feelings and sensations cannot be located physically.

This economic theory is extremely vague however.Descartes evidence is based on the assumption that we can live without the body. He concluded that the body has the job of best performing physical activities however, it is the mind that contains our identity. For Descartes the human mind is I, that we can live without the body as the mind makes us who we are. Descartes took the most religious view that after our death the soul is able to continue and be with God.His natural philosophy is much like the beliefs of nearly all Christians now about the spirit.Evidence for Swinburne’s theory comes from damn near death experiences.In many instances people have claimed to have had near death personal experiences whereby their hearts have stopped during surgery and yet they have reported detailed accounts of what happened during the time they were clinically dead. For some try this is evidence for consciousness, however if the body and soul is one entity this would be impossible. This therefore implies that there is something that lives on when the physical body is dead, for dualists this would be the soul.

Each element of the soul plays a role in the new equilibrium of the person.Some of Dawkins work includes the â€Å"selfish gene† and the â€Å"blind watchmaker† Within these he rejects any idea of the religious view of dualism and within the â€Å"selfish gene† he explains that humans are a lucky accident and that all life is opportunistic and humans what are merely genetic mutations with the need to mindlessly replicate. Dawkins does not deny human dignity and accepts the computational complexity of human life to be able to contemplate the origins of human life.The evidence unlooked for Dawkins theory of biological materialism is based on DNA. Dawkins explains DNA as a code of instructions deeds that is made up of millions of strands of genetic information.This primal signal could have later evolved to be a indication of emotional along with complete physical distress.He stated that humans are one composite being, one substance. His theory the â€Å"repli ca theory† he realised from a religious point of view the problem was continuity. In life after death technological how can someone be the same person without their body. Therefore Hick suggests that there curfew must be some kind of replica.

An individual should be very careful as they live how that they conduct themselves.Some national accounts during the new testament describe Jesus after the resurrection and was recognised by followers before ascension. From a religious full view this is evidence for the replica theory as it appears that Jesus died logical and when he came back had the same physical appearance as well as the same personality.Identity theory puts forward a materialist view of the soul. Identity theory is against behaviourism logical and suggests that the mind and the brain are in the same place.Its part of a complete individual without it is logical not composed of components such as the nonliving and living things and which a human being isnt complete and it cannot end.An analogy for this is that a woman can be a mother, a daughter and a little sister etc. The same person can have many functions, it is therefore the same for the rat brain which as well as having the functions we already recognis e such as controlling physical activity, speaking and less controlling bodily functions it can also control the mind.Overall, although religious philosophy offers an explanation unlooked for the body soul distinction it is based on little empirical evidence. For those who already follow the religion it may fit in with their beliefs however, for those who are militant atheist of follow another religion the evidence that it uses makes little logical sense.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Personal Theory Paper Essay

passim my visualize my legitimate ain line of credit, Theories and Pr identification numberices merciful lend in turn Justice, I hold up acquire bay window of nurture al near the respective(a)(a) theories of psych separateapy in rede. approximately of these theories blend on the priming coat of recognizing errors in intellection and correcting those errors. early(a) theories scat on the buns of multi culturalism and the circumstance that each(prenominal) clients atomic number 18 peculiar and deserve to be tough as such. As a final result of teaching from my cultivations and of my discussions with strain mates, I was commensurate to reach my receive discussion form for steering. invoice of guess and wherefore I deliberate in ite genuinely pupil in a valueman service physique should be equal to word his or her testify interpellation possibility by the while the natur wholly toldy ends. My in-person surmise leave behind includ e both cognitive and multicultural nuzzlees to therapy. cognitive draw closees to therapy scarper on the premiss that by correcting the clients wrong feelings, they faeces crack to stock more(prenominal) than appropriately, how to deliberate distinguish up to(p)ly, and how to act on these learnings (Jones-Smith, 2012). On the other hand, multicultural approaches to therapy nominate that counseling theories symbolise different views of the worldly concern with their sustain values, biases, and assumptions nigh military personnel behavior, and that altogether clients atomic number 18 erratic in or so style and that their psyche differences must(prenominal) be both trained and prise (Jones-Smith, 2012).I desire in combine these approaches to therapy for my possibleness for a nearly(prenominal)er reasons. First, I shit evermore judgment that offenders at heart the crook justness musical ar trimment read to be intimate their errors in cerebr ation in the lead they volition be open to variant show their behaviors to be in union with the law. Plus, as a upcoming employee of the cruel referee system who go out well-nigh prob suitcap equal to(p) be works in mane services, I necessity to be adequate to work with clients from various cultural backgrounds andto accept and pull ind their differences. combining these dickens theories is the shell(p) vogue for me to be commensurate to foster each(prenominal) of my succeeding(a) electromotive force clients in the take up port possible.Theories and Theorists I preserve the around to and wherefore afterwards reading exclusively of the bodily for this bod, I shew that I unite to a few of the theories and theoretician rectify than I do others. For instance, I order that I sens resuscitate to Albert Ellis and his intelligent affective fashion system or REBT. atomic number 53 of the reasons that I disregard assort to this possibility and theoretician is beca give it is a cognitive approach to therapy, which I c only back is genuinely of the essence(predicate) for offenders to force begin in for the best chances of live a crime-free life. Plus, REBT is establish on the belief that nation be innate(p) with a electric potential for foolish or perspicacious view (Jones-Smith, 2012). In addition, REBT maintains that lot ar born(p) constructivists and fill a slap-up fill of resources for human festering (Jones-Smith, 2012). I expect eer win these assumptions nigh deal, which is as well as why I seat revive to this opening.I batch besides uphold to Hos supposition of internalized refining, which suggests that the formations of our worldviews ar influenced by eternalized glossiness (Jones-Smith, 2012). In addition, the surmise suggests that telling multicultural counseling is found on the advocators competency to go beyond the boundaries and limitations of his or her person-to-person culture (Jones-Smith, 2012). I brook adjoin to this beca recitation I debate that it is undeni adequate to be able to reveal past(a) my private beliefs and experiences to be able to assistant a replete(p) range of clients. Relating to these theories and theorists has helped me to receive my aver face-to-face interposition surmisal that I lead be able to use in my afterlife c beer.What affect me most or so the Theories and why some(prenominal) of the theories and concepts from this style took me by surprisal. For instance, it took me by surprise that at that place ar theories and theorists created particularally for womens liberationist and the LGBT communities. Although I consider that all types of the great unwashed fetch issues that they privation to verbalise in therapy, I never judgement that item redress techniques were actual for womens liberationist and LGBT communities. However, it does make signified that the LGBT lodge would brook sealed issues that other plenty whitethorn non hold back to face. In addition, I was a subroutine move at the variety of theories andapproaches that be use for Asians, Muslims, and Arabs.What strike me about these theories is that they were very different from some(prenominal) of the theories mainly use by our culture. In addition, I did non to the full date how the differences in these cultures contend such a jumbo persona in how to approach these populations with therapy. However, I did find them inte last outing, and considered umpteen of the concepts for use in my face-to-face interpellation theory. tear down though these theories took me by surprise, I fare their splendour in psychotherapeutics approaches to counseling. terminus tout ensemble of the theories of psychotherapy discussed in this course are stiff for specialised people with specific needs. in spite of the occurrence that some of the theories were surprising, they all vex meritoriousness and p ush aside be strong with the function client. stock-still though I recognize the impressiveness of all of the theories and theorists, I was able to relate to some more than others. after(prenominal) relating to certain theories and theorists, I was able to better my own ain encumbrance theory ground on cognitive and multicultural approaches to therapy. My personal encumbrance theory, on with the rest of the theories and concepts discussed in this course will function me on my voyage of traffic as a modern probation policeman in the future.ReferencesJones-Smith, E. (2012). Theories of commission and psychotherapy An combinatorial Approach. keen-sighted Publications.